Local, organic, seasonal. Inspired by flavours of Mexico.


— Story —


Lucia Maceda
Owner & Chef



Lucia Maceda was born and raised in Mexico City. Both the maternal and paternal sides of her family are very passionate about food. At the age of five years old, she was already learning how to make tortillas and molé from her abuela (grandmother). As a girl, Lucia viewed these activities as chores. Little did she know the huge impact they would have on her future and influence her desire to one day own a restaurant.

Lucia’s maternal abuelita , was a small hostel owner who hosted her visitors and family for brunch on Sundays. People from near and far would sit down and enjoy a delicious spread of homemade Mexican food. Lucia was incredibly fortunate to travel and discover Mexico with her family as a child. Even though her mother was not a big cook, she took great pride in offering the best meals to her children as they explored different corners of their native Mexico. Lucia’s “research” days started from a young age. She still enjoys this activity today!

Lucia moved to Canada to start a new life and was drawn immediately to the beautiful geography and the kind nature of Canadians. In the early days, she had the privilege of working in restaurants serving delicious food, among cooks who took great pride in their craft.

In 2008, Lucia had the opportunity to take over Cool Hand of a Girl in Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood. This new opportunity was incredibly exciting, as she envisioned all the possibilities of nourishing, nurturing and welcoming folks. This has always been a huge part of Cool Hand of a Girl’s philosophy, as well as sourcing the best local and organic ingredients.  For Cool Hand of a Girl, the little details matter, such as sourcing artisanal bread from Toronto bakeries and buying produce from local farmers. Supporting locally owned businesses is important because it ensures the highest quality and builds a stronger community.

Lucia and her staff are very passionate about making their baked goods, hot sauces, chutney, and salad dressings in-house.  They are continually coming up with new and delicious recipes for their customers.Thank you for your continued support over the past thirteen years and counting!